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Find Physical Therapy Near Me | Hall rd | Utica Michigan


Find Physical Therapy…

Looking for a physical therapy location near you?

We are conveniently located on Hall Rd in Utica Michigan and offer premium physical therapy services that cannot be beat anywhere else in the area. You can contact us at (586) 884-4565 for more information on if physical therapy is right for you and getting your free evaluation

Why choose Borja Physical Therapy for your needs?

Find Physical Therapy Near Me | Hall rd | Utica Michigan

One on one time

No other clinic in the area will offer full one-on-one time averaging 45 minutes to 1 hr of time with licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy. Most other clinics you will be lucky to receive 15 minutes before being passed on to another person to do exercises or worse – by yourself!

No Script Required!

Our doctor of physical therapy clinician will be able to see you right away and in many times without a physician script! Save time and money waiting for a physician appointment and stop on in – we’ll be waiting for your call! Please note that in some instances some insurance companies may still required a script to be seen at our physical therapy clinic. Fear not – we can provide a complimentary screening to at least assess the cause of your pain and determine if you require physical therapy – even before you get a script!

No Waiting

We always get you started with your session at your assigned time! No more waiting in a medical office for up to several hours!

Flexible Schedule

We have late night and morning appointments for the everyday working person! We also offer weekend hours and will be very flexible to meet your specific needs. Call (586) 884-4565 to see our available appointment times.

Awesome Payment Plans

We realize that sometimes your insurance may have really high deductibles or co-pays. Sometimes we are able to provide a more affordable solution and even provide in-house payment programs that have 0% interest. Nobody can beat that!

Continued Care and Fitness

We offer continued fitness programs for those graduating from our physical therapy rehabilitation who want to get fit or stay away from re-injury. We offer more independent plans or close one-on-one plans with our licensed physical therapist. Often times regular personal trainers do not know how to modify fitness programs for those like yourself predisposed to injury. Why risk getting injured again when you can pay the same rate (or less) and be seen by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy throughout your fitness program?

If you are wanting to find out if you are appropriate for physical therapy or are already ready to schedule an appointment, please call:

Borja Physical Therapy at 8243 Hall Rd. Utica MI  –  (586) 884-4565

We’re helpful and ready to answer any and all questions you may have BEFORE scheduling anything!

You can also quickly schedule online – click the button below and complete the quick and easy online request.

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PHONE: 586.884.4565

EMAIL: [email protected]


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8:00 AM – 8:00 PM


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8:00AM – 10:00AM & 5:00PM – 8:00PM


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8:00 AM – 8:00 PM


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8:00 AM – 8:00 PM


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By Appointment Only




