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The first wealth is health.

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The first step is to check your insurance benefits.
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Getting started with physical therapy can be a burden due to all the documentation your health insurance or doctor may require. So, what are the requirements to start physical therapy and get healing asap? Let’s dig in!

Your health insurance requirements may include:

  • A script or referral from your doctor for physical therapy
  • Authorization from your health insurance
  • Insurance card information
  • Or other various documentation specific to your insurance plan

Many health insurances require that you have all of this in place before attending your first visit.

At Borja Physical Therapy we take the burden off you and take care of all these requirements with something we like to call our Check in Express process.

Our Check in Express™ Process

We take all these requirements off your plate, saving you time, money (save you from an extra doctor visit) and energy to get you healing pronto.

What we’ll need

We’ll only need to ask you a few quick questions to get started – that’s it! We’ll need basic info like your name and birth date, and your health insurance information found on your card.

We’ve made it super convenient to answer these questions, either by visiting our physical therapy service page and filling out the quick form located at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, you can always call our clinic at 586-884-4565 and we’d be happy to help!

The Check in Express™ Process looks like this:

  1. Answer questions: Just answer a few basic questions, which you can complete online at this page or call us at 586-884-4565.
  2. Research: We’ll immediately use that info to look into any requirements your health insurance or doctor may require before starting therapy.
  3. Complete requirements: This is where our Check-In Express™ process shines! After identifying any requirements for you to start physical therapy, we make sure they’re taken care of. We can usually get all requirements within 24hrs or less.
  4. Contact: We’ll reach back out to you and review any requirements we’ve completed on your behalf with you and provide your health insurance benefits, so you know exactly what what to expect for your first visit. We can even schedule your first visit at this time if you’re ready to start therapy.
  5. Done! With everything out of the way in record time, you can start healing asap.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, can you do laser therapy while pregnant?

Laser Therapy While Pregnant

Laser Therapy While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a wonderful thing. Your body adapts to new changes throughout the pregnancy, which can lead to plenty of aches and pain along the way.

Maybe you have swelling in your ankles and hands or are feeling extra pressure in your lower back and hips. Or maybe you’ve injured your shoulder while building the crib and getting the baby’s room all set.

Of course, you want to be as cautious as possible while you bring the miracle of life into the world, so it’s important that the treatment you choose is safe for you and your growing bundle of joy.

Fortunately, laser therapy checks all of those boxes… and then some.

Laser therapy delivers dosages of light safely and effectively to damaged cells that need it most. It’s an excellent tool to reduce pain and inflammation, without being risky or invasive like surgeries.

What’s even more noteworthy is that laser therapy can help relieve your pain so you don’t have to rely on pain medications. This is often the biggest advantage for expecting mothers, since taking medication while pregnant can be tricky.

Studies show that using laser therapy during pregnancy poses no risk to the baby or mother. It’s advised not to treat the abdominal or pelvic area during pregnancy as a precaution but is safe to treat other areas of the body.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months.

Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about the benefits of laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, can laser therapy treat arthritis?

Laser Therapy Treat Arthritis

Can Laser Therapy Treat Arthritis?

Let’s start by taking a look at the word arthritis.

Arthritis refers to swelling and inflammation in one or more of your joints.

There are different kinds of arthritis, each with different causes. For example, wear and tear, infections, and underlying diseases, to name a few. Some of the most common symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion.

Most adults have arthritis to some degree, and they usually turn to medications to find relief. Some even rely on multiple medications, all with their own slew of side effects.

While NSAID pain relievers, like Advil or Motrin, and other drugs can take the edge off, they’re only masking the pain. In order to reduce your pain long-term, it’s important to focus on reducing inflammation at its source.

Joints can be more challenging to treat because of their location between bones. Laser therapy is able to penetrate deep through the skin, muscle, and other tissue to target the joint and encourage the healing process to begin. It works on a cellular level, increasing cell turnover and bringing vital nutrients to damaged areas.

Laser therapy is especially effective in treating inflammation and pain related to arthritis because it delivers a powerful dosage to large areas in a short amount of time. All in all, laser therapy is an excellent option for those with arthritis.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of the laser is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months.

Laser light improves the body’s natural healing process. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about class IV laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, do you have to limit activities after laser therapy treatment?

Limit Activities After Laser Therapy

Do You Have To Limit Activities After Laser Therapy?

Unlike recovery after a surgery, you will not have to limit your activities after laser therapy treatments. In fact, it’s beneficial to stay moving after laser therapy.

Laser therapy makes it easier to return to daily tasks and activities that were once difficult or too painful to do.

Treatment sessions are quick, and the therapeutic effects can continue for up to 18 hours. People often feel their best right after their sessions, like how they used to before their pain or injury.

It can be tempting to take advantage of this newfound relief, like doing a bunch of housework or walking around the zoo with your grandchildren for a few hours. I fully encourage you to lean into getting up and being active.

Your body is meant to move, and you would actually be doing yourself a disservice by sitting still and avoiding movement.

It’s important not to be overly ambitious and push your limits too far, though. Get moving when you can, and keep an eye on your pain. Being consistent with laser treatments and staying active is the best recommendation I can make for you to reach full recovery.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months. Laser therapy can help get you back to feeling like yourself again.

Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn who should use laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. Learn how you can use the laser with other treatments.

Laser With Other Treatments

Using Laser With Other Treatments

One of the biggest benefits of laser therapy is that it can be used with other kinds of treatment to reduce your pain.

For starters, laser therapy works very well with treatments that promote tissue repair. This can include modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation.

When it comes to treating acute injuries, there’s a balance between identifying where you are in the healing process, how much pain you’re in, and increasing your activity levels accordingly.

Typical treatment plans initially aim to control symptoms of pain and inflammation, and then shift to restoring function and range of motion later down the line. In these cases, relief isn’t immediate because you’re only masking the symptoms. The only way to effectively reduce pain is by addressing the root cause of the problem.

Using laser alongside these forms of treatment, however, can help reach both of these goals earlier. Laser therapy targets damaged cells and energizes them. Then, they begin a series of healing processes in your body. The cells start healing faster than they normally would on their own. As a result, you get out of pain and you’re able to return to daily living.

Laser therapy is a great tool to help you heal fast. When combined with other treatments, you’ll benefit even more.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about the benefits of laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. So, can you use laser therapy after surgery?

Laser Therapy After Surgery

Laser Therapy After Surgery

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve pain and swelling quickly. This is especially true for anyone recovering from surgery. Whether you’ve had an incision or a joint replacement, laser light can help you heal safely. It’s even safe for anyone with medical implants.

Laser light helps heal your muscles, tissues, and bones, which means you can benefit from treatment before or after having surgery. In some cases, it can even prevent surgery altogether.

As for healing after surgery, some of the most impressive results come from using laser therapy. In fact, there are protocols that have been created to deliver the right amount of light to the surgical site that is ideal for post-op recovery. Research shows that using these protocols can speed up how quickly your body heals. Not to mention, it even improves how well it heals too.

Most people begin feeling the therapeutic effects immediately after each treatment. They experience less pain and stiffness and are able to move better. This means your incisions, scar tissue, and the surrounding area all start healing fast, making your recovery less painful.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about the benefits of laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. So, who should use laser therapy?

Who Should Use Laser Therapy

Who Should Use Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy is ideal for anyone who wants to accelerate their healing. It’s for anyone who wants to get back to enjoying the things that they love.

During laser therapy, light enters damaged tissue cells. Essentially, these cells become energized and your body’s healing process is then supercharged. Laser therapy is used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It’s also used for post-surgical recovery as well.

For example, it’s an effective tool in treating conditions like:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Low back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • TMJ
  • Elbow & joint pain

Laser light reduces pain and inflammation quickly. Most people begin feeling the effects immediately after treatment. As a result, they’re able to get back to normal movement.

Most notably, people are able to reach their functional goals sooner, without relying on medication to get through the day. Because the benefits of laser continue to build up after each treatment, you are able to spend less time recovering, which saves you time and money too.

Laser light also helps your muscles and bones to heal as well. You can benefit from treatment before or after having surgery. As a matter of fact, it can even prevent surgery altogether.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months.

Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about class IV lasers.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. Learn the advantages of laser therapy over other treatments.

The Advantages Of Laser Therapy

The Advantages Of Laser Therapy

The biggest advantage of class IV laser therapy over other types of treatment, like acupuncture or massage therapy, is the therapeutic properties of the laser itself.

Simply put, the light causes a series of changes that results in the body healing itself, rather than just being a temporary fix.

If you remember, lasers work by impacting how cells function. It also restores injured tissue deep within your body as well. First, damaged cells absorb the light. Then, they are energized by photonic energy. As a result, the cells become supercharged and speed up your body’s natural reparative processes

Most notably, laser light produces the most benefit where it’s needed most, meaning it’s going to target the area of your body where you’re experiencing pain and swelling.

In fact, studies show that impaired cells have a stronger response to laser light than healthy cells.

Treatments like massage or acupuncture aren’t able to go much beyond the surface of your skin. Class IV lasers, on the other hand, are able to reach tissue deeper in the body. They provide high enough doses of light to effectively target and travel through muscles, bones, and joints.

Above all else, the science behind laser is what helps make it a superior treatment option. You aren’t simply masking the symptoms, you’re healing them at the source.

Laser light actually promotes cellular metabolism, which is responsible for tissue healing. Ultimately, laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment option. More importantly, it’s far less invasive than surgery and drugs.

Improve With Laser

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Laser. It’s a quick and easy way to improve your pain. Plus, you’ll feel the effects even after your treatment. Not to mention, It’s cleared by the FDA.

The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain. Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or a few months. Laser therapy improves the body’s healing process. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about using laser therapy with PT.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, when will you feel the effects of laser therapy?

Feel The Effects Of Laser Therapy

Feel The Effects Of Laser Therapy

Typically, most people see results in as little as 3 to 5 sessions. How quickly you feel the effects of laser therapy will depend on a few factors.

For starters, some areas of the body may take a bit longer based on their size and location. The damaged tissue may be deeper under your skin, or a larger area to cover.

Injuries deep in the buttocks and hip, for example, may not be noticed as quickly compared to a finger or toe injury. This is because the laser light has to travel through a lot more muscle and tissue in order to reach the damaged cells and start the healing process.

The complexity of your injury, and how long your injury has gone untreated, can play a role as well.

For the most part, people experience a warming, therapeutic feeling immediately after treatment. They often report feeling a reduction in pain as well. These effects can last up to 18 hours after treatment.

It’s probably no surprise to hear that consistency is the key if you want to see noticeable changes in your symptoms. The most effective approach is to receive a series of treatments at least 3 times a week.

The benefits of laser therapy are cumulative, meaning they add up from one treatment to the next. As you receive laser therapy treatments, the healing processes combine so you may feel the maximum effect.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Laser. It’s a quick and easy way to improve your pain. Plus, you’ll feel the effects even after your treatment. Not to mention, It’s cleared by the FDA.

The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain. Whether you’ve been experiencing pain for a few days or just a few months. Laser therapy improves the body’s healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

All laser therapy treatments are administered by certified staff members who have completed advanced courses and training.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about using laser therapy with PT.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. Learn how many laser treatments you will need to recover from your injury.

How Many Laser Treatments

How Many Laser Treatments Will You Need?

When it comes to your recovery, the nature of your condition and how well you respond to treatment will determine how many laser therapy sessions will be needed.

During your first treatment session, we will take a look at your injury and determine which protocol would be most beneficial to you.

We will reassess your injury after the first 4 treatment sessions. This is what we like to call the induction phase. It gives us a good idea of how well you’re responding to the treatment protocol, and whether modifications need to be made or not.

Your progress will determine the next phase of your treatment.

For acute injuries, you may only need 2 or 3 more treatments. We call this the acute maintenance phase. For more long-standing, chronic injuries, you may need another 6-12 treatments, which we refer to as the chronic maintenance phase.

It’s important to remember that the longer you have been in pain, the more treatment may be needed before it becomes fully healed.

Typically, we find people have the best results when they combine laser therapy and physical therapy together. With consistency, most start seeing results faster than those using laser therapy alone.

Incorporating laser therapy into your recovery is a great way to accelerate the healing process and get out of pain sooner. Not to mention, it will help you get back to enjoying the things you love doing quicker too.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been experiencing pain for just a few days or for a few months. Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about class IV lasers.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. Learn the difference between class IV and other lasers.

Difference Between Class IV And Class III Lasers

The Difference Between Class IV And Other Lasers

The most significant difference between class IV lasers and other level lasers is the amount of power each can emit.

Class II and III lasers are low level lasers. They don’t have enough power to create a warm soothing feeling on your skin. They also have a smaller area the light beams can reach.

Due to their limited power, class II and III lasers can’t deliver as many photons to damage cells. This means they have significantly less of an impact on your injury, and often lead to disappointing results.

Less powerful lasers can still benefit less dense areas of the body but will take much longer to be effective.

Class IV lasers, on the other hand, have enough power to travel through muscles, bones, and joints. In fact, They are able to penetrate tissue deeper in the body. They are even able to effectively treat damaged cells in a way that doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

The energy from class IV lasers stimulates the production of something called ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. ATP is found in all of your cells and is responsible for storing and transferring energy in cells.

As the production of ATP increases, so does the speed of your body’s healing processes. You’re left experiencing an improvement in many of your symptoms, which can include reduced pain, swelling, and range of motion.

Simply put, class IV lasers are more powerful and effective in healing musculoskeletal injuries.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been experiencing pain for just a few days or for a few months. Laser improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about who should use laser therapy.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, what is class IV laser therapy?

class IV laser therapy

What Is Class IV Laser Therapy?

There are 4 classifications of lasers. The FDA has grouped all lasers, both medical and non-medical alike.

Class IV lasers reduce pain and other symptoms due to injury. They use forced light to stimulate cells and promote healing. There’s a specific wavelength of light used to create therapeutic effects.

Class IV lasers include those that emit power above 1 Watt. The majority of scientific, industrial, and medical lasers fall into this category.

Treatments are site-specific. They can be administered to one or more areas of the body. Treatments use a laser handpiece, either directly on your skin, or about a half inch above the surface and surrounding area of your injury and pain.

The Science Behind Class IV Lasers

Laser therapy is also referred to as “photobiomodulation” or PBM for short. This is a fancy term for laser treatments that heal and reduce pain.

So, what exactly does photobiomodulation mean?

Well, “photo” = light, “bio” = life, and “modulation” = change. Simply put, PBM uses light to interact with your cells to start a series of biological changes.

The process is simple. First, light enters injured tissue cells. The damaged cells become energized. Your body’s natural healing process is then supercharged. This results in some really big therapeutic benefits, like tissue regeneration and wound healing.

When it comes to class IV lasers, the amount of power they emit is what sets them apart from the rest.

In order to treat different conditions in your body, the laser light needs to be able to travel deep under your skin. It’s able to reach damaged cells further in the body, behind muscles, joints, and even bones.

Class IV lasers deliver a powerful dose of light in a short amount of time. This means treatment is short and effective, saving you time and money.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser. The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether you’ve been experiencing pain for just a few days or for a few months. Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn the difference between class IV lasers and other lasers.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. Learn what type of laser is used to reduce pain and help people across the nation heal quickly.

Type Of Laser

What Type Of Laser Is Used?

At Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Class IV Laser.

LightForce’s parent company, LiteCure, started in 2006. The FDA cleared its very first class IV medical therapy laser in 2007. Since then, LightForce has been the leader in providing class IV lasers to medical providers around the world.

The LightForce FXi class IV laser reduces pain and inflammation quickly. It effectively treats both acute and chronic conditions alike. Not to mention, it’s a powerful and effective alternative to medication and surgery.

For example, laser therapy treats conditions such as:

  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Elbow Pain
  • TMJ
  • Ankle Pain
  • …And More!

By bringing pain under control quickly, laser therapy helps accelerate the healing process. In fact, it even promotes better outcomes for recovery. For that reason, the LightForce class IV laser has become a staple in helping people heal.

In summary, the LightForce class IV laser is an excellent tool if you want to avoid surgery or pain pills. Not only will it reduce your pain, but it will help you return to doing daily activities and enjoying life. Unlike other treatments, laser therapy is fast and effective.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Whether you’ve been in pain for just a few days or for a few months, laser therapy can help. Laser therapy improves the body’s natural healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about using laser therapy with PT.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. So, is laser therapy painful?

Is Laser Therapy Painful

Is Laser Therapy Painful?

Typically, most people feel their pain decrease during their treatment. This is especially true for people who have been suffering from pain for a long period of time. Laser therapy can help relieve your pain, without causing pain.

Laser therapy treats acute conditions by bringing pain under control quickly, which can be extremely helpful in the healing process. It also treats chronic conditions. It combats constant pain and even promotes circulation to areas with damaged tissue as well.

The laser light can’t penetrate effectively through clothing. Because of this, treatments are given directly to the skin.

Some people may notice a nice, warm feeling during treatment. Generally, people enjoy their laser therapy sessions, especially when using the massage ball head, which can feel like a gentle massage.

All in all, each laser therapy treatment should leave you feeling less pain than you did when you arrived. It encourages your body to heal in a safe, pain-free way.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve pain. Treatment is fast, safe, and painless. Laser therapy energizes cells and improves the body’s healing process. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

You can feel the effects of laser therapy almost right away. In fact, most people see results in as little as 3 to 5 sessions. Beyond that, the effects can continue for up to 18 hours. That means you will continue healing even after you get home.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn more about laser therapy with PT.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. So, are there any side effects to laser therapy?

Side Effects To Laser Therapy

Are There Side Effects To Laser Therapy?

Class IV lasers are FDA cleared. They follow the most strict safety regulations. Through continued research, there are no known significant side effects from laser therapy to date.

There are positive side effects, though.

For instance, you might experience flushed skin due to increased blood flow. Some people also notice a warm, soothing feeling during treatment. These effects don’t last long, only for about a few hours.

If laser therapy wasn’t administered properly, it could magnify some of your symptoms. For example, you could notice an increase in swelling or nerve pain. This is easily be corrected by adjusting treatment settings. However, all laser treatments are administered by certified staff members who have completed advanced courses and training.

We prioritize the knowledge and understanding of treatment parameters to ensure the safety of our patients. We are constantly learning and staying educated about laser therapy. Our goal is to provide the safest and most effective treatment while keeping you safe.

Improve With Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve pain. Treatment is fast, safe, and painless. Laser improves the body’s healing process by energizing cells. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

Often, people feel a reduction in pain during treatment. In fact, most see results in as little as 3 to 5 sessions. Beyond that, the effects can continue for up to 18 hours. That means you will continue healing even after you get home.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about who should use laser therapy.

Typically an insurance policy will have a deductiblecoinsurance or copayment, and an out-of-pocket maximum. Every insurance plan is different. You may be responsible for paying your deductible when you receive certain services. The same applies to copays and coinsurances. On the other hand, your insurance plan may cover some services completely. All of this information will appear in your explanation of benefits. So, what is an explanation of benefits, exactly?

What Is An Explanation Of Benefits

When you receive healthcare services, your insurance company gets a claim from your doctor for each visit. Once the claim is processed, you will receive an explanation of benefits in the mail from your insurance company.

The reimbursement is a set amount based on the services that are performed. The set price for a service doesn’t change. The amount the insurance company will pay and the amount the patient is responsible for paying can change. 

What Is An Explanation Of Benefits

Sometimes the insurance company is responsible for paying way less than the patient, or vice versa. It all depends on your plan. If a patient meets their OOPM, their insurance company is responsible for paying all medical costs for the rest of the year. This means the patient is not responsible for making any payments.

The total reimbursement a provider gets = insurance company payments + patient payments. 

  • For instance, your EOB says you owe your doctor $11.55 as your coinsurance charge, while the insurance company owes them $89.45.
  • But if your EOB states that you owe a $45 copay on a $70 charge and you decide not to pay, the provider is only going to receive the $25 payment from your insurance company for the care they gave you

Typically, it takes 4-6 weeks to receive an EOB in the mail. Some insurance companies send them online. Most EOB info will appear on any bills as well. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a copy of your EOB. However, you can contact your insurance company to get a copy.

For more information about health insurance, click here.

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. So, how long is laser therapy treatment?

How Long Is Laser Therapy

How Long Is Laser Therapy Treatment?

The length of each laser therapy treatment will depend on two things: your injury and the right protocol for the injury.

During your first visit, your injury will be evaluated. We will determine which protocol best fits your condition. Then, we will create a treatment plan specific to you.

Most laser therapy treatments can last anywhere from 3-10 minutes long. The treatments vary depending on the size and acuteness of the area.

Typically, the larger, deeper, and more complex the area, the longer the treatment time.

For example, treatment on your finger may be shorter than treatment on your hip joint because the light has to travel deeper and cover a larger area.

Unlike the broad range of wavelengths in white light, laser light contains one single wavelength. Researchers have studied to see how the laser light penetrates and is absorbed by musculoskeletal tissue and determined the ideal wavelength needed to impact and energize the body.

In other words, class IV lasers deliver a high amount of energy in a small amount of time. This means the light will have a profound effect on reducing your pain within minutes.

We’re able to deliver a therapeutic dosage quickly and effectively. Saving you time and money sounds pretty great, right?

Improve With Laser Therapy

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Laser. It’s a quick and easy way to improve your pain. Plus, you’ll feel the effects even after your treatment. Not to mention, It’s cleared by the FDA.

The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain. Whether you’ve been experiencing pain for a few days or just a few months. Laser therapy improves the body’s healing process through cellular activity. As a result, it helps your body use its own healing powers by starting a series of healing responses.

All laser therapy treatments are administered by certified staff members who have completed advanced courses and training.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about using laser therapy with PT.

Here at Borja PT, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our highly trained and experienced team is here to make your recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. By doing so, we empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. That’s where laser therapy comes in. Its revolutionary science has been helping millions of people across the world achieve the pain relief they’ve been dreaming of. So, let’s take a closer look at laser therapy and answer some of your burning questions, like what are the different types of lasers, how many treatments do you need, and will insurance cover laser therapy treatments?

Insurance Cover Laser Therapy

What Is Laser Therapy?

First, let’s talk about what laser therapy is and how it works.

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to eliminate pain and speed up your body’s ability to heal. It uses a special light to target injured areas, without being invasive like injections or surgeries. Treatments are quick and painless. You’ll leave each session in less pain than you did when you arrived, making it easier to get back to your normal tasks and activities.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?

Laser therapy works on a cellular level. As your cells absorb the light, the damaged ones become supercharged and start a chain reaction of positive changes throughout your body. As a result, your natural healing processes speed up, allowing you to get out of pain and move easier than before.

One of the best parts about laser therapy is that treatment isn’t invasive. Not to mention, it’s safe, fast, and painless. You can get treatment directly on the skin or about a half inch above the area, depending on the injury. While all injuries are different, most people see results within as little as 3 to 5 sessions. Better yet, the effects of the laser continue up to 18 hours after treatment. This means you’ll heal throughout your day, long after your treatment.

Laser therapy can treat conditions like:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neck Pain
  • Arthritis
  • TMJ
  • Elbow Pain
  • …And More!

Laser therapy also helps with post-surgical recovery. In fact, in some cases, it can prevent surgery altogether.

What Are The Different Types Of Laser Therapy?

There are 4 different classes of lasers. They’re divided based on their power, with class I being the lowest and class IV being the highest. Unfortunately, most lasers aren’t covered by insurance, but a few lower class lasers are. More on that later…

Low Level Lasers

Class II and III lasers are called low level lasers. These lasers work on the surface of your skin without causing a flush of heat. Since they’re limited in power, they only deliver a small amount of photons to damaged cells, which has less of an impact on injuries. So, they can still benefit less dense areas, but it will take much longer to be effective.

Class IV Lasers

Class IV lasers, on the other hand, are the most powerful medical lasers available. They go beyond the surface of your skin, traveling through muscles, joints, and even bones. Class IV lasers deliver powerful doses of light at a specific wavelength in a small amount of time. This means your treatment is short and effective, saving you both time and money. Talk about a win-win.

Why Choose Laser Therapy?

When you’re injured or in pain, there are a ton of treatment options available. Two of the most popular choices are acupuncture and massage therapy, which works on top of your skin. Laser therapy, on the other hand, penetrates deep in your body. The light is so effective, it can travel through muscles, bones, and joints. So, while those treatments can be helpful, laser therapy takes your healing to the next level.

Laser therapy doesn’t act as a temporary fix, it actually causes a series of changes that allows your body to heal itself. Essentially, lasers impact how your cells function. When your damaged cells absorb the light, they get flooded by photonic energy and begin repairing themselves from the inside out. If that isn’t enough, studies show that impaired cells actually have a stronger response to the light than healthy cells do.

Simply put, it’s the science behind laser therapy that makes it such an advantageous treatment option. You aren’t just placing a band-aid over your symptoms, you’re healing them directly at the source.

Using Laser With Modalities

Another benefit to laser therapy is that it can accelerate your healing.

Treating your injury is a journey. There needs to be a balance between where you are in the recovery process and how much pain you’re experiencing, all while slowly increasing your activities accordingly.

Typically, most treatment plans first aim to reduce pain and inflammation by using modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, then shift to restoring range of motion and function later on. In these situations, relief isn’t immediate since the focus is solely on masking symptoms. The only true way to effectively reduce your pain is to address the root of the problem.

When you use laser therapy alongside modalities, you don’t have to choose between reducing pain symptoms and restoring function and range of motion. Working on all areas of recovery at the same time allows you to get out of pain and return to daily living faster than ever.

Does Insurance Cover Laser Therapy?

As previously mentioned, there are some insurance companies that cover low level laser therapy. Hospitals and inpatient facilities have been using these lasers for years to safely treat patients with a range of conditions. Unfortunately, because the lasers are less powerful, they have significantly lower results, often leaving people feeling disappointed.

Here at Borja PT, we use the class IV Lightforce FXi Laser. It’s an excellent way to relieve pain without relying on surgery or prescription meds. Whether you’ve had pain for just a few days or for several months, laser therapy can help.

Currently, insurance does not yet cover class IV laser therapy. However, more and more companies are beginning to see the benefits of laser therapy and move toward possibly making it a covered benefit down the road.

In the meantime, we offer several laser therapy packages.

Treating You Injury With Laser Therapy

You can choose to purchase individual laser therapy treatments, or bundle them for higher savings. The number of sessions you’ll need in your road to recovery all depends on your condition.

At your first treatment, we will evaluate your injury and determine the protocol that would be most beneficial to you. This is what we like to call the induction phase. After your 4th session, we’ll reassess your injury to see how you’re responding to the protocol and if any modifications are needed.

The next phase depends on how much progress you’ve made. For newer injuries, you may only need a few more laser treatments. Older injuries, on the other hand, may need another 6-12 sessions. Remember, the longer you’ve been in pain, the more treatment you may need to heal.

Laser With Physical Therapy

Laser is often used with other kinds of therapy, especially physical therapy. In fact, many people have the best results when they combine both types of therapy. Think of it as working double to recover and get back to enjoying the things you love. We offer discounts for those who do both PT and laser together.

PT focuses on controlling pain and improving function. This is done by strengthening muscle groups that are responsible for stability. Using laser to speed up your healing can help reach this goal.

For example, some of the benefits of using laser and PT together include:

  • An alternate solution to surgery
  • Pre-surgery treatment
  • Recovery after surgery
  • Faster soft tissue healing

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about using laser and PT together.

We hope that after your first visit, you will feel valued and well taken care of.  Physical Therapy is a tool. It’s a pathway to get you to your goals. Our highly trained staff members at Borja Physical Therapy strive to do their best to make your experience pleasant. As part of this relationship, we wish to review the expectations of your financial responsibility. So, is payment expected every visit? Let’s discuss it further.

Is Payment Expected

Health Insurance Benefits

As a courtesy, the billing department verifies your insurance benefits. You have 3 different ways you can pay for your visits.

Option #1

First, if you would like to wait until your insurance company determines your patient responsibility for each visit, we are happy to do so. In order to do this, you must place a credit card on file for automated payment at the end of each month. You will receive an itemized receipt after each payment.

Option #2

You may also enroll in a payment plan. This automatically charges 10% of your estimated total costs at the beginning of each week. You will be charged until the total balance for your entire plan of care is paid in full. Payment plans require credit card or bank account information to be put on file for direct withdrawals.

Option #3

Lastly, if you would prefer to not put a credit card on file, you can choose to pay per visit. We require an estimated payment at the time of service. The estimated payment is based on information given by your health insurance company.

In rare cases, the insurance company denies claims because you need to verify your personal information. When this happens, the bill will be shifted to you until the issue is resolved. If you’re not willing to call the insurance company, however, you will be responsible for the entire amount of the bill.

It is important to understand that you are under contract with your insurance company. Your insurance company determines the amount owed to Borja PT. As always, our billing department is happy to go over any questions you may have. For more information about our financial policy, click here.

Here at Borja PT, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery. So, can you do laser and physical therapy together?

Laser And Physical Therapy

Laser And Physical Therapy

Laser therapy is often with other kinds of therapy, especially physical therapy. In fact, using both together makes treatment even more effective.

Think of the two as working double time to help you recover and get back to enjoying the things you love.

The purpose of laser therapy is to reduce pain and heal damaged tissue. PT, on the other hand, aims to restore your function while managing pain. It focuses on strengthening muscles that stabilize the body.

Speeding up your healing with laser therapy can help you reach your PT goals quicker than you would by doing one or the other.

Basically, the laser helps you advance through the different stages of healing. It stimulates cells to quickly reduce pain, which means you’re able to move easier. More importantly, it provides you with an excellent opportunity early on to progress your exercise program. You’re able to do more than you normally would due to pain.

Studies have found that combining laser and physical therapy heals different injuries throughout the body. The results are consistent and impressive. For example, they show significant improvements in pain, range of motion, and function. Not only that, they even found significant differences after 3 and 6 months as well.

Improving With Lasers

Here at Borja PT, we use the Lightforce FXi Laser. It’s a quick and easy way to improve your pain. Plus, you’ll feel the effects even after your treatment.

Click here to learn more about our LightForce Laser service or click here to learn about the benefits of laser therapy.


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Still got questions?

View ALL of our frequently asked questions, including general and service specific FAQ's.

Clinic Information


Borja Physical Therapy & Weight Loss Clinic
44656 Mound Rd.
Sterling Heights, MI 48314
Phone: 586-884-4565


Office: 586-884-4565
Fax: 888-996-2534

Clinic Hours

8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Closed (Events only)

At this time, due to COVID residual effects, our hours may be reduced from those listed. Thank you for understanding.

Clinic Hours

8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 7:00PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Closed (Events only)

At this time, due to COVID residual effects, our hours may be reduced from those listed. Thank you for understanding.


Eliminate pain and get active.

Check your insurance is the first step.
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Let us take the hassle out of getting your health insurance benefits, so you'll save time and know exactly what your financial responsibility will be with our services.