Initial Evaluation

FAQ: What Is An Initial Evaluation?

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! Our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to self-heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery. Learn what to expect during your first visit, the initial evaluation.

What Is An Initial Evaluation?

Once you’ve scheduled your initial evaluation, we encourage you to wear looser clothing, such as workout clothes. This allows the therapist to easily access your injury. It also doesn’t restrict your movements as well.

Initial Evaluation

Additionally, we will also ask you to bring your prescription, driver’s license/ID, insurance cards, any imaging reports or films, and our New Patient Paperwork, signed and completed. All of these items, with the exception of imaging reports and films, are required before you can be seen.

During your first visit, the therapist will start by asking questions about your injury or condition. They will ask how it happened, what movements cause pain, what activities you’re not able to do, and more. Next, they will ask about your past medical history. They will also look at any imaging reports that you may have. Then they will begin an assessment.

During the assessment, they will take measurements, such as range of motion and muscle strength. They will do testing and get other clinical information related to your injury. Based on this information, the therapist will create a specialized Plan Of Care for your recovery. They will also set goals to achieve throughout your Plan Of Care.

What Is A Home Exercise Program?

After your first visit, the therapist will create a home exercise program for you. These exercises are designed to safely strengthen your muscles. All without the risk of making your injury worse. They will advise that you don’t continue regular exercises.

During the first few weeks, the therapist will advise you to only do the home exercise program. This will help the therapist track your condition and the effectiveness of the exercises. It also allows them to identify sources that may be causing pain or preventing your progression.

The primary goal of the home exercise program is to aid your recovery by strengthening specific muscles in a specific order. These exercises should be done on days when you have physical therapy appointments. More importantly, you should do them on the days that you do not have therapy.

Doing your exercises on the days that you don’t have therapy will help you recover quicker. Far beyond just physical therapy alone. They act as a one-two punch in your recovery, so to speak. In fact, you should do your home exercise program even after you’re done with physical therapy. It’s important to prioritize these exercises at least 3 times a week. This will prevent your injury or condition from coming back as a result. As you advance throughout your Plan Of Care, the therapist will add to your home exercise program.

Additionally, you should do these exercises on days you’re more active or doing strenuous work. You can even do them on days where you have to sit for long periods of time as well. This will help limit pain and stiffness that might pop up in the next couple of days.

Using Exercise Equipment

We focus on rehabilitation and improving function. Our top-of-the-line gym equipment was specifically chosen for our unique programs that cannot be found anywhere else. In fact, our programs are so effective, that anyone can improve and reduce their pain. More importantly, they can get back to enjoying life.

Exercising with the gym equipment is part of your Plan Of Care. Your therapist will incorporate it into your treatment as you progress through recovery. For instance, they will have you warm up on the exercise bikes. On the other hand, you may use the Life Fitness circuit machines to end each session. The equipment is used to improve strength, range of motion, and balance.

Above all else, we aim to provide helpful expert advice and care. Our team provides support as you learn how to use each machine. They can answer any questions that you may have. As well as make adjustments to your form if needed. More than anything, we want our patients to feel comfortable and confident using our exercise equipment. That way, you’ll feel comfortable and confident using similar equipment at your own gym.

Click here to learn why you should choose Borja Physical Therapy.

About The Author

Jaime Borja

I've explored many different fields within physical therapy, including acute care and oncology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, elementary through high school levels in the Troy School District, and outpatient physical therapy. As the office manager and marketer, I am able to combine my love for health and exercise science with my people skills, all with a dash of marketing and personal training. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, baking, crafting, and watching my favorite movies or tv shows.

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