Here are the best type of lower back exercises to help ease lower back pain and prevent pain from returning in the future!

Back Extensions
This exercise is crucial to strengthening and diminishing lower back pain. You will be strengthening the spinal erectors as well as the lumbar fascia.
- Start off while laying on your stomach. You will want to do this on a firm surface. A soft bed will not work here, but carpeted floor is perfect. Keep your hands down by your sides.
- Begin to arch your lower back, keeping your toes touching the floor, but having your chest raise off the floor.
- Hold for a brief second or two before letting your chest fall to the group slowly.
- Continue for ~15 repetitions, 3 sets, once daily to start.
Here you’ll be strengthening your glutes as well as your lower back.
- Start off laying on your back with your knees up and both feet planted on the floor.
- Let your arms relax out to the sides, then press up through your heels so that you create distance from your buttocks to the floor.
- The weight will be distributed through your upper back onto the floor, as your glutes squeeze together and you thrust slowly upwards.
- Hold at the top of the movement for just a second before slowly descending.
- Repeat ~15 repetitions for two sets.
Alternation UE/LE Exercise
This exercise is all about creating stability in the lumbar and thoracic spine areas. You will be strengthening your lower and middle back, as well as your glutes.
- Start off lying on your stomach in a “superman” position with arms forwards.
- Raise one hand off the floor roughly 2 inches, as well as the opposing leg off the floor to the same height (keep the knee straight here).
- Hold at the top for a second before slowly lowering each extremity simultaneously.
- Alternate between opposing extremities for a total of ~1 minute.
Hamstring Stretch
Simply a stretch for your hamstrings (or back of the thigh) in order to reduce lower back or knee pain.
- Begin in a standing position with one heel propped up on a chair.
- Bend the trunk over the leg that is propped up and try to tilt the pelvis for a greater stretch.
- Get a strong enough stretch that you’re able to hold for ~45 seconds, repeat 2 times each leg.
Trunk Rotation Exercises
These lower back exercises strengthen your core as well as your lumbar and thoracic areas through stability.
- Begin in a seated position with your back upright, and your feet planted on a flat surface.
- Turn your upper body by focusing the pivot point being at your waist all as far as you’re able (try not to push through the legs or feet for any additional rotation, it should all come through the waist and core).
- Hold for 3-4 seconds before returning to the middle.
- Then follow through by turning to the opposite side and repeat 10 times.
Side-lying Leg Lifts
This exercise will help strengthen your glute minimus and glute medius. Thus reducing hip drop while walking, and making for more stable and balanced hip motion.
- Begin by lying on your side with leg that’s against the table, bent and the knee, and the other knee straight as well as extended at the hip (you should be getting a stretch at the front of hip on this leg).
- Keep your torso and hip rolled forward while the leg remains extended.
- Raise the leg slightly into the air, hold at the top of the movement for ~1 second, and slowly back down (maintain the extension at the hip throughout the movement).
- Continue until fatigue and complete 2 working sets.
Single Knee to Chest Stretch
These lower back exercises will stretch your Gluteus Maximus on the side the knee is being brought to the chest.
- Start this exercise while laying on your back on a flat, firm surface, with legs lying flat.
- Bring one knee towards your chest, grip with your hands between your thigh and calf in order to pull your knee closer towards you.
- Keep your spine pressed into the floor.
- Enjoy at a moderate stretch for ~45 seconds, two times for each leg, once daily.
- Tip: Avoid attempting to bring both knees to chest at the same time, this is a strenuous and unneeded lower back stretch that may cause harm and or increased lower back pain
To continue learning about back and hip pain, click here.