Choose A Physical Therapy Clinic

FAQ: How Do I Choose A Physical Therapy Clinic?

Finding a good physical therapy clinic you can trust is tricky. Similarly, it can also take a lot of diligent effort too. Above all else, you should look for a clinic that provides helpful expert advice and care. Here are 3 stages to consider when looking to choose a physical therapy clinic:

  1. The Research Test
  2. The Call Test
  3. The Service Test

The Research Test

The Research Test is where you’ll start when thinking about finding that perfect physical therapy clinic for you. It involves mostly online activity. It’s also the most time-friendly of the 3 tests as well. Basically, you’re seeing how potential clinics represent themselves online. For example, the areas you’ll want to look into are:

Choose A Physical Therapy Clinic

The Call Test

The Call Test is exactly what it sounds like. You’re calling the potential clinics you’ve narrowed down from step 1 to see if they make the cut. During the call, you’ll want to look for things like:

  • Tone: Initial Friendliness
  • On-Hold Time
  • Concern Towards You Rather Than Money
  • Scheduling Availability
  • Licensed Therapists

The Service Test

The Service Test is where you attend your first session to see if they are the right clinic for you. From the time you open the door to the time you step foot back outside, you’ll want to review things. For example:

  • Greeted Immediately Upon Entering The Clinic
  • Initial Impression Of Cleanliness
  • Wait Time Before Being Seen
  • Thoroughness Of The Evaluation
  • Therapist’s Expected Goals And Course Of Action

Here at Borja Physical Therapy, our world revolves around our patients’ needs! In fact, our experienced and highly trained team is here to make recovery a reachable goal! We specialize in keeping you active. We empower your decision to self-heal the natural way, without relying on pain pills, injections or surgery.

Customer experience is one of our core values, so we make it easy for you to get instant access to our services. That is, without the usual barriers! Our unique programs allow for faster service. No script, no paperwork, and no payment are required to come in and try us first! And the result? Less work and headaches, and, best of all, more time to reach your goals! Click here to learn more about why you should choose Borja Physical Therapy.

About The Author

Jaime Curl

I've explored many different fields within physical therapy, including acute care and oncology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, elementary through high school levels in the Troy School District, and outpatient physical therapy. As the office manager and marketer, I am able to combine my love for health and exercise science with my people skills, all with a dash of marketing and personal training. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, baking, crafting, and watching my favorite movies or tv shows.

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