Organize Your Life

Organize Your Life!

We all have that one room or drawer that we throw everything in when we don’t have the time or energy to find its proper place. You’re probably cringing right now just thinking about it. Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Follow the steps below to organize your life and finally conquer the chaos for good!

Organize Your Life!

Do A Walk Through

Before diving into the deep end, take a deep breath. Grab a trash bag. Do a walk-through of the space(s) you plan on organizing. Throw away any trash or garbage lying around, or anything that is broken, damaged, or expired. There’s no point in wasting time and energy shuffling around things that you aren’t going to keep. Not to mention, it makes for an easier workspace when you start organizing.

Make A Plan

Next, make a list (either mentally or physically) of all the places you want to organize. Decide which spaces are bigger, all-day projects and which spaces will be easier to tackle. It’s important to start small and not overwhelm yourself before the process has even begun.

Regardless of which spaces you’re organizing- the pantry, a junk drawer, or your garage- there’s a specific process that can be applied to each to ensure organizational success! The process looks like this:

  1. Empty everything out of the space you’re going to organize. Take it all out. (This is very important- DO NOT SKIP IT!)
  2. Sort, group, and categorize similar, like items together. You may find several different ways you can categorize things. Pick whichever one will function best for you and your lifestyle.
  3. Minimize and eliminate anything that isn’t necessary or that doesn’t serve you anymore.

We know that this isn’t the most glamorous part of the process, but it’s extremely necessary. Not only are you getting rid of things that are metaphorically weighing you down and don’t need anymore, you are also giving yourself the room to create an exceptionally organized home.

Find Your Motivation

Now, if you’ve read this far but are already making excuses up in your head as to why you don’t need to organize that spare room, think about how powerful it will be to have a clutter-free space that’s also exceptionally functional.

Even if your reason is being able to see all of your clothes in your closet for the first time in decades can make your mornings simpler. Because let’s be honest, we could all benefit from taking one more thing off of our plate.

Start Small

Choose a smaller project to tackle first. Start with a single drawer. You’re more likely to stay motivated, and far less likely to get overwhelmed and give up. Organizing doesn’t even mean it has to be a huge undertaking.

Sometimes something as simple as drawer dividers can be exactly what you need to turn that daunting junk drawer into a beautiful, functioning space. Add them to any drawer throughout your home.

Once you conquer the drawer, use that motivation and move on to another space in your house. Just follow the 3 step process we covered earlier and you’ll be on your way to a more organized life in no time!

About The Author

Jaime Borja

I've explored many different fields within physical therapy, including acute care and oncology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, elementary through high school levels in the Troy School District, and outpatient physical therapy. As the office manager and marketer, I am able to combine my love for health and exercise science with my people skills, all with a dash of marketing and personal training. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, baking, crafting, and watching my favorite movies or tv shows.

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