Spring Cleaning Tips

Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips Of All Time

As you’ve been spending extra time indoors during winter, a quality spring cleaning session is more than necessary. Whether you choose to tackle all of your cleaning in one day or tend to spread it out over an entire weekend, getting the job done efficiently- all while saving you time in the process- is a winning scenario. Here are the top spring cleaning tips to make this year’s deep clean the most productive yet!

Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips Of All Time

1. Break Your Cleaning Down.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a marathon. Break your spring cleaning list into smaller, manageable segments. This will help you stay highly productive and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Divide each task into segments. For example, vacuuming, dusting, washing windows/mirrors, etc. You can also divide chores by rooms or levels of your house. Try vacuuming, dusting, and doing laundry of your entire upper level in a single day. Then, move onto the lower level of the house the following day.

2. Lean Into Your Cleaning Style.

Some people procrastinate chores. Others use it as an outlet when they’re stressed or frustrated. Identifying your cleaning style is a huge step in creating a cleaning game plan that works for you. If you get easily distracted while doing your chores and end up never finishing them, block off a day or two dedicated solely to cleaning.

Avoid scheduling any potential engagements and push back all other non-essential tasks for another day. Keeping the TV off and your phone on silent will also help prevent distractions as well.

3. Be Proactive Against Odors.

If you cook fish or cut onions frequently, you know the struggle of trying to keep your home smell fresh and clean. Put a few dryer sheets at the bottom of your trash can to mask odors and absorb spills. You can even use ones that have gone through the dryer cycle already!

For tougher, widespread odors that tend to linger throughout the air, invest in an air freshener that you can plug in near (or inside) your kitchen. Using some of the newer time-releasing fresheners can disperse pleasant aromas periodically throughout the day to stay ahead of any foul smells before they get out of hand.

4. Fight Stubborn Gunk.

One place that you often forget to clean (or avoid at all costs) is the inside of the oven. Spring is the perfect time to open some windows and de-gunk the baked on grime that has been accumulating all winter long.

If traditional soap and water are no match for those caked on sauce splatters, try creating a paste using 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water. Spread a thin layer along the inside of the oven- including the door- and let it sit overnight. Simply use a sponge to wipe away and rinse clean! You can also use this trick to clean the stubborn stains out of coffee and travel mugs.

5. Get Some Gadgets.

We are firm believers in working smarter, not harder, and that’s no exception when it comes to cleaning, especially the incredibly tedious jobs. Take dusting your window treatments, for example. Instead of painstakingly wiping each individual blind one by one, invest in a multi-layer dusting tool made specifically to wipe several blinds at once. You’ll be finished in half the time!

Another helpful gadget to add to your cleaning arsenal is a mini robot vacuum. These compact vacuums are incredibly efficient and can be scheduled to run during the day to help maintain clean floors.

Try out these cleaning tips and tricks to get your home sparkling clean like never before!

About The Author

Jaime Curl

I've explored many different fields within physical therapy, including acute care and oncology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, elementary through high school levels in the Troy School District, and outpatient physical therapy. As the office manager and marketer, I am able to combine my love for health and exercise science with my people skills, all with a dash of marketing and personal training. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, baking, crafting, and watching my favorite movies or tv shows.

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