Office Policies

FAQ: What Are Your Office Policies?

Here at Borja PT, we have office policies in place to promote the safety of our patients, as well as to make ensure that each patient receives the proper care that they rightfully deserve.

We realize that emergencies and other scheduling conflicts come up and are sometimes unavoidable, however, advance notification allows us to fulfill other clients scheduling needs and keeps the clinic operating at its most efficient level. We strive to promote a higher quality of care at Borja PT, and as such, missed, or late appointments are a disruption to the clinic, your physical therapist and other patients.

Office Policies

Cancellation Policy.

If you ever need to cancel your appointment with us, you may contact the clinic at (586) 884-4565 to leave a message, or send an email to [email protected]. Additionally, you can text our staff at (586) 884-4565. Please provide your name, phone number, appointment date & time, and reason for the cancellation.

On Monday morning, you will receive a call to confirm that your appointment has been canceled. In addition, you will be able to reschedule your appointment at this time as well. We require 24 hours’ notice for the cancellation of an appointment in order to avoid a $15.00 cancellation fee. Click here to read more about our cancellation policy.

Do Not Show Policy.

We kindly ask that you provide our office with 24-hour notice to change or cancel an appointment. Patients who do not attend a scheduled appointment may be responsible for a $25.00 fee. You cannot bill this charge to insurance. Additionally, you must pay your fee on or before the next scheduled appointment. 

Accident claims adjusters expect regular attendance to physical therapy. In fact, it’s a requirement of the approved treatment plan. If appointments are missed or canceled on a regular basis, it could affect the status of your claim. Multiple missed visits may result in discharge from care. Click here to read more about our do not show policy.

Same-Day Schedule Policy.

Our same-day schedule policy is for patients who have missed two or more appointments without providing notice. This means you would not schedule your appointments in advance. Instead, you would simply call, text, or email our office on the day you would like to attend therapy to see what times are available. Our front desk staff will then reserve the time slot of your choice for that day.

Missing your appointments can disrupt the clinic and your physical therapist. In addition, it can even disrupt other patients as well. While sometimes you may be running behind, or forget about your appointment altogether, it’s important to respect your therapist’s time. Click here to read more about our same-day schedule policy.

Financial Policy.

As a courtesy, the Billing Department verifies your insurance benefitsPlease provide your insurance cards prior to your first visit. There are 3 different ways you can pay for your visits.

Option #1

First, if you would like to wait until your insurance company determines your patient responsibility for each visit, we are happy to do so. In order to do this, you must place a credit card on file for automated payment at the end of each month.

Option #2

You may also enroll in a payment plan. This automatically charges 10% of your estimated total costs at the beginning of each week until the total balance for your entire plan of care is paid in full. Payment plans require credit card or bank account information to be put on file for direct withdrawals.

Option #3

Lastly, if you would prefer to not put a credit card on file, you can choose to pay each visit. We require an estimated payment at the time of service.

If you are a former patient and wish to return to physical therapy while there is still an outstanding balance on file, you must pay off the remaining balance in full. You may also enter into a payment plan agreement as well. As previously stated, the Borja PT Billing Department may work with you to create a payment plan based on the remaining balance in question. Click here to read more about our financial policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Office Policies, please do not hesitate to call our office at (586) 884-4565 or email [email protected].

About The Author

Jaime Borja

I've explored many different fields within physical therapy, including acute care and oncology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, elementary through high school levels in the Troy School District, and outpatient physical therapy. As the office manager and marketer, I am able to combine my love for health and exercise science with my people skills, all with a dash of marketing and personal training. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, baking, crafting, and watching my favorite movies or tv shows.

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